für den schönsten Tag in Ihrem Leben

Hochzeitsreden auf:
  • deutsch
  • englisch
  • französich
  • brasilianisch/portugiesisch
  •  Foreign languages

Foreign languages

We are living in times of globalisation, we are thinking beyond borders, work and live in different countries and cultures.

But life isn’t just about work: when moving to a foreign country we build friendships, relationships and sometimes fall in love, decide to start a life together and plan a common future. This common future is often celebrated with a wedding party.

To such a bicultural, international wedding you will most likely want to invite guests who don’t speak or understand German. But you would still like them to be part of the ceremony. In such a case it is a good idea to plan a bilingual wedding ceremony. English always seems a good solution as modern lingua franca but it is even more personal if the native language of the non-German partner is part of the ceremony. I offer ceremonies in German, English, French or Portuguese (Brazilian Portuguese).

When planning the ceremony we can decide together which elements shall be written in which language.

Two languages but one love. Two cultures but one couple.

Herzlich willkommen – you’re welcome –
soyez les bienvenus – bem vindos à todas e à todos